Chapter 99: Yet with the xiansheng's closed jade coffin (X)
Tu Laoyao bought a train ticket, and went north with Li Shiyi, coming to the boundary of Anhui without stopping for rest. According Tu Laoyao's words, he'd seen her around Xuejiagang on the periphery of Anqing, a matter of a good number of days ago. Anqing was a large city, its markets flourishing, the streets bustling with endless streams of horses and carriages. Li Shiyi had rented a rickshaw, and it followed along the great streets in all directions, and then swept through the small alleys, yet they were left empty-handed. After leaving the city, Li Shiyi and Tu Laoyao followed along the river course, the shores still muddied with frozen mud shards, the river having withstood a winter, running cheerfully, fragmentary spring flowers in mixtures of yellow and purple had blossomed on either bank, frail and light, yet they were the vanguard of waving flags and battle cries that the spring had sent out. Li Shiyi, in the midst of the beginnings of spring, suddenly felt, in hindsig...